BSA Program

The Aims of Scouting

The Aims of Scouting are character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. All the things the troop does support those aims.

The Methods of Scouting

Scouts are taught these things in a number of ways. Scouting’s outdoor program is designed to engage and challenge Scouts. Each boy is organized into a patrol, where he will work with older boys and his peers on advancement and the scout ideals (the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan). That association with youth leaders, and eventually becoming a leader himself, is part of an overall leadership development program. As Boy Scouts plan their activities and progress toward their goals, they’ll experience personal growth – it’s just a natural part of the process. Another thing that they’ll get, while working on merit badges and in meetings, is adult association, where they learn through positive role models what it’s like to live in the adult world they’re preparing for. The final method of Scouting is the uniform. “Since 1910, the Boy Scout uniform has been a recognizable part of the American scene. Wearing the uniform helps a boy develop a sense of belonging to their patrol and troop. It reinforces the fact that all members of the BSA are equal to one another. People seeing a boy in a Scout uniform expect someone of good character who is prepared to the best of his ability to help those around him.” [Scoutmaster Handbook].


The BSA Ideals are the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan, and the Outdoor Code. These are the standard that each scout is held to.

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
to help other people at all times;
to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

A scout is

and Reverent

Scout Slogan

Do a good turn daily

Scout Motto

Be prepared

The Outdoor Code

As an American, I will do my best to

Be clean in my outdoor manners

Be careful with fire Be considerate in the outdoors

Be conservation-minded