Geocaching Merit Badge
Date: August 2021
Time to go on a treasure hunt!
After an intro to geocaching, we met at Lynndale Park. There , scouts set up several geocaches and then went on The Hunt for scout made caches and official ones.
This was a blast and we look forward to future geo hunts.
Post Class Notes
There is still stuff left for Geocaching. A lot of what’s left can be done as a group. Brandon W has ideas. I can also share ideas with the SPL.
Course Notes: MeritBadge-Geocaching.pdf
Meeting 1 – 18 Aug 2021
Do the following:
Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in geocaching activities and what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and respond to these hazards.
Discuss first aid and prevention for the types of injuries or illnesses that could occur while participating in geocaching activities, including cuts, scrapes, snakebite, insect stings, tick bites, exposure to poisonous plants, heat and cold reactions (sunburn, heatstroke, heat exhaustion, hypothermia), and dehydration.
Discuss how to properly plan an activity that uses GPS, including using the buddy system, sharing your plan with others, and considering the weather, route, and proper attire.
Discuss the following with your counselor:
Why you should never bury a cache.
How to use proper geocaching etiquette when hiding or seeking a cache, and how to properly hide, post, maintain, and dismantle a geocache
The principles of Leave No Trace as they apply to geocaching
Explain the following terms used in geocaching: waypoint, log, cache, accuracy, difficulty and terrain ratings, attributes, trackable. Choose five additional terms to explain to your counselor.
6. Describe the four steps to finding your first cache to your counselor. Then mark and edit a waypoint.
Meeting 2 – 25 Aug 2021 at the Park
5. Do the following:
Show you know how to use a map and compass and explain why this is important for geocaching.
Explain the similarities and differences between GPS navigation and standard map reading skills and describe the benefits of each.
9. Plan a geo-hunt for a youth group such as your troop or a neighboring pack, at school, or your place of worship. Choose a theme, set up a course with at least four waypoints, teach the players how to use a GPS unit, and play the game. Tell your counselor about your experience, and share the materials you used and developed for this event.
Explain how the Global Positioning System (GPS) works. Then, using Scouting's Teaching EDGE, demonstrate the use of a GPS unit to your counselor. Include marking and editing a waypoint, changing field functions, and changing the coordinate system in the unit.
7. With your parent's permission*, go to Type in your city and state to locate public geocaches in your area. Share the posted information about three of those geocaches with your counselor. Then, pick one of the three and find the cache.
*To fulfill this requirement, you will need to set up a free user account with Ask your parent for permission and help before you do so.
8. Do ONE of the following:
If a Cache to Eagle series exists in your council, visit at least three of the 12 locations in the series. Describe the projects that each cache you visit highlights, and explain how the Cache to Eagle program helps share our Scouting service with the public.
Create a Scouting-related Travel Bug that promotes one of the values of Scouting. "Release" your Travel Bug into a public geocache and, with your parent's permission, monitor its progress at for 30 days. Keep a log, and share this with your counselor at the end of the 30-day period.
Set up and hide a public geocache, following the guidelines in the Geocaching merit badge pamphlet. Before doing so, share with your counselor a three-month maintenance plan for the geocache where you are personally responsible for those three months. After setting up the geocache, with your parent's permission, follow the logs online for 30 days and share them with your counselor. You must archive the geocache when you are no longer maintaining it.
Explain what Cache In Trash Out (CITO) means, and describe how you have practiced CITO at public geocaches or at a CITO event. Then, either create CITO containers to leave at public caches, or host a CITO event for your unit or for the public.
Some of these can be completed by the troop and organized by the SPL.
Some just have to be done at home.
If a scout missed a meeting, they can complete requirements that were covered at that meeting and turn it in. The course notes cover the meeting material.