Steamboat Slough Recon
Steamboat Slough Recon
Date: July 2, 2022
A small group of scouts and adult leaders from Troop 49 did a reconnaissance of Union and Steamboat Slough for our August Canoe Day Outing.
This was a fantastic area to explore. We saw an assortment of old ships, an otter, seals, so many eagles, herons and other birds. The start and end were on a wide river. Steamboat Slough was narrower with interesting boats on the southern shore. Union Slough was even more narrow and had nice twists. We hit Union Slough at low tide and part of it was impassible. On our August trip, we will plan for a high tide outing.
We also checked out several drainage canals on Spencer Island. These were really fun to explore, but we may not have time to visit them with a larger group.