Bike Outings

Bicycling is one of the main outdoor events for scouts. It is a great way to get them out there and combine exercise, travel and recreation in one activity.

Example Bike Outing

Bike Outing Requirements

The speed made possible by riding a bicycle inherently increases the risk of injury, with the head being the most vulnerable body part. However, any bicycle fall is potentially life threatening even without speed, because the head is likely to strike a hard surface with enough force to cause a concussion, if not a skull fracture. Accordingly, an essential part of cycling gear is a good quality and well-fitted helmet. It is essential to understand the risk involved from head injury and the absolute necessity of wearing a helmet when biking.

The helmet, however, is no match for a collision with a motor vehicle. Youths often want to ride in vehicular traffic without an adequate respect for and understanding of the risks related to the bike and motor vehicle collision. In such a collision, the bike rider always loses.

Defensive riding practices and cycling rules of the road must be learned and practiced before riding in vehicular traffic. Practice should be conducted on bike trails or lightly traveled roads until skill levels are sufficient for safe riding in traffic. Special attention should be paid to staying in the bike lane and being alert for the danger of doors being flung open into the bike lane by parked cars and with drivers making a right-hand turn across bike lanes.

Helmet use is Mandatory for all participants on all Troop 49 Bike Outings

Bike Resources


    • The BMX Biking Program provides guidance for local councils that wish to operate a BMX biking program in the future or improving existing program,

    • The BMX Design Reference Guide is a design reference guideline intended to describe the different types of program activities in practice within the industry and to provide guidance to the council on aspects of a successful program that should be considered as they relate to scope, cost, resources, effort and safe design.

    • The Mountain Biking Program Guide provides the recommended minimum standards that all BSA council operated mountain bike programs should maintain.

    • The Mountain Biking Design Guideline provides general guidance in the layout and design of mountain biking trails and facilities in BSA Council camps.